20. coarray notation

An overview of Coarray has described in Tutorial (Local-view). This page explains the details of the synchronization statements that have not been explained yet.

20.1. Synchronization statements

20.1.1. sync all

  • XMP/C program
void xmp_sync_all(int *status)
  • XMP/Fortran program
sync all

Barrier synchronization is performed among all images after completing all one side communications. For details, see Tutorial (Local-view).

20.1.2. sync images

  • XMP/C program
void xmp_sync_images(int num, int *image-set, int *status)
  • XMP/Fortran program
sync images (image-set)

Barrier synchronization is performed among the specified images after completing all one side communications.

  • XMP/C program
int image_set[3] = {0,1,2};
xmp_sync_images(3, image_set, NULL);
  • XMP/Fortran program
integer :: image_set(3) = (/ 1, 2, 3/)
sync images (image_set)

20.1.3. sync memory

void xmp_sync_memory(int *status)
  • XMP/Fortran program
sync memory

Wait for completion of all one side communications. This function does not include barrier synchronization unlike sync all and sync images, so it is executed only locally.

20.2. Arguments

  • XMP/C program
void xmp_sync_all(int *status)
void xmp_sync_images(int *status)
void xmp_sync_memory(int *status)
  • XMP/Fortran program
sync all [stat=..] [errmsg=..]
sync images (image-set) [stat=..] [errmsg=..]
sync memory [stat=..] [errmsg=..]

In XMP/C, if synchronization is successful, “XMP_STAT_SUCCESS” which is the constant defined in xmp.h is assigned to status. If any images have already ended, “XMP_STAT_STOPPED_IMAGE” is substituted to status. In case of other errors, a value other than the above two values is assigned to status.

Similarly, if synchronization is successful in XMP/Fortran, “STAT_STOPPED_IMAGE” is assigned to the variable on the right-hand side of stat=, and if any images have already ended, “STAT_STOPPED_IMAGE” is assigned. In case of other errors, a value other than the above two values is assigned.


In XMP/Fortran, if you omit stat= and errmsg=, synchronization speed will be faster. In XMP/C, assignment of status can be omitted by using NULL like xmp_sync_all (NULL);